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AEW All In Results

Jun 06, 2023

Amidst much anticipation, All Elite Wrestling held their historic All In pay-per-view in front of over 80,000 fans at London's Wembley Stadium on Sunday, August 27.

The show promised much, including a possible major heel turn as tag team partners MJF and Adam Cole went one-on-one for the AEW World Championship in the main event. Other key matches included FTR vs. The Young Bucks, the latest Stadium Stampede, and CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe for the Real AEW World Title.

Did AEW produce a show for the ages? Find out below:

Grado shows up to the delight of Tom Campbell

Despite AEW advertising that the Zero Hour was going to get underway at 5 pm BST, the promotion decided to kick off the in-ring angles a little earlier with a face-to-face between Miro and Powerhouse Hobbs. Then Tom Campbell got his wish as after Jeff Jarrett and his cronies disparaged the United Kingdom, Paul Wight, Anthony Ogogo, and Grado(!) made their way to the ring for a brawl which ended after Grado decked JJ over the head with a guitar.

Better Than You Bay Bay (MJF & Adam Cole) def. Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) (c) - ROH World Tag Team Championships - Zero Hour

After those angles, it was time for the first match inside Wembley Stadium as Aussie Open defended the ROH World Tag Team Championships against Better Than You Bay Bay, the team of MJF and Adam Cole.

The fans inside Wembley weren't treated to a boom from the challengers as Aussie Open laid out MJF and Cole before the wildly popular taunt. Aussie Open then ran the challengers into each other before the match officially got underway.

Having gained the advantage with underhanded tactics, Aussie Open worked over MJF in the early going. MJF eventually put some distance after executing a Drop Toe Hold that sent Mark Davis crashing into Kyle Fletcher's nether regions which allowed the AEW World Champion to make the hot tag to Adam Cole.

Cole ran wild and went for Panama Sunrise, which Fletcher dodged before he ate a huge superkick from the former ROH World Champion. The challengers then called for the Double Clothesline and they were about to nail it until Mark Davis made the save. Next, the fans called for MJF to hit a Suicide Dive but Friedman bottled it. This allowed Aussie Open to fire back and score a near fall on Friedman. MJF fought back, though, and hit a monstrous Kangaroo Kick as the fans inside Wembley went wild!

One more Double Clothesline call and the babyfaces hit it on this occasion to Kyle Fletcher for Adam Cole and MJF to capture the ROH World Tag Team Championships.

After a brief celebration, the two competitors turned their attention to the main event as MJF raised the AEW World Championship above Adam Cole's head.

HOOK def. Jack Perry (c) - FTW Championship - Zero Hour

A Hollywood entrance took place for the second match as Jack Perry entered Wembley Stadium in a limousine as Beethoven filled the home of the England national football team.

Perry didn't make it much further down the ramp after his entrance as he was attacked by HOOK, with the Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil using the limo as a weapon against Perry. The former Jungle Boy then used the limo, hitting a Brainbuster on the roof of the vehicle before he mocked Rob Van Dam with a Rolling Thunder on the bonnet. The action continued around the limousine as HOOK next put Perry through the windscreen with a Fisherman Buster, cutting Perry's arm in the process. Perry moments earlier seemingly referred to his past confrontation with CM Punk, noting the windscreen was real glass.

Both competitors then headed to the ringside area, with Perry decking HOOK with a Draping DDT from the barricade to the floor. As "You're a W*nker" chants filled the stadium, the two wrestlers finally entered the ring as Perry teased a Coast to Coast, only to flip off the fans instead.

Amid all the violence, there was some wrestling as Perry and HOOK exchanged German Suplexes. Perry then went for a Low Blow and was made to pay with a Suplex in the corner before Perry fired back with a Tiger Driver for a near fall. Trash can shots from Perry followed as he revelled in the chants.

The former AEW World Tag Team Champion then went for a Moonsault but only ate the mat and HOOK followed up with a trash can shot to the head. One Redrum later and Jack Perry tapped out as HOOK regained the FTW Championship.

CM Punk (c) def. Samoa Joe - Real AEW World Championship

Following two matches on the Zero Hour and one appearance from Grado before that, it was time for All In to begin proper as CM Punk defended the Real AEW World Championship against Samoa Joe, with the longtime rivals having started feuding again upon Punk's return in June.

Following the entrances, the atmosphere was electric as the in-ring action started out slow for the opening minutes. Samoa Joe soon gained control and Joe teased moving away following a Crossbody, only for Punk to recognise it and follow up with a Hurricanrana. Joe fired back again, though, and beat Punk around ringside, including a big boot to the face while Punk was sat down at ringside.

Punk was then sent crashing into the announce table, getting busted open in the process. Joe then proceeded to work over a bleeding Punk and went for a Muscle Buster but Punk managed to escape and followed up with a Roundhouse Kick. Next Cena called back to his former rival John Cena and Hulk Hogan as he teased a Five Knuckle Shuffle but instead hit a Leg Drop, only to score a one count, though. Samoa Joe then performed a "YOU!" and scored a near fall following a Powerslam.

Both men continued to fight back and forth until Punk connected with a Pepsi Plunge to retain the AEW World Championship!

Konosuke Takeshita, Jay White, and Juice Robinson def. Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, & Kota Ibushi

As Kenny Omega's issues with Don Callis continued, The Best Bout Machine drafted in his best two tag team partners to take on Konosuke Takeshita and Bullet Club Gold's Jay White and Juice Robinson.

All six competitors had a chance to shine in the opening minutes and Kenny Omega hit the first big spot of the match with his Terminator Dive to Takeshita and Jay White. That spot did little for The Elite, though, as the heels soon took control, working over Kenny Omega for several minutes. Omega came so close to making the tag, only for The Gunns to pull Page and Ibushi to the floor. The babyfaces fired back at The Gunns, though, and Hangman Page was finally tagged in by Omega before the lover of beer ran wild with his trademark Topes and Springboard Clothesline. Page then scored a near fall to Jay White following a Flying Clothesline.

It was then Kota Ibushi's turn to pick on Jay White as he hit a Moonsault Press following a flurry of strikes for another near fall. The Golden Lovers hit their trademark Moonsaults to the outside, with Kota Ibushi managing to recover after he slipped. More coordinated offence from the babyfaces followed before Jay White managed to fight back with a Uranage to Ibushi, which led to a showdown between Konosuke Takeshita and Kenny Omega, with both wrestlers exchanging forearms. White and Robinson then ate Snapdragon Suplexes and Takeshita looked to be next but the Japanese Supernova escaped and connected with a Blue Thunder Bomb. It wasn't enough to put Kenny Omega away, however.

Omega followed up with a Poisonrana, spiking Takeshita right on the top of his head. Next Omega and Page hit their You Can't Escape Moonsault-Standing Shooting Star Press combination but they couldn't follow up due to more interference from The Gunns. Page put Austin and Colten down with an Orihara Moonsault and Ibushi later went for the Kamigoye on Takeshita, only for The Golden Star to be flattened by a Jumping Knee from Don Callis' client. Takeshita looked to target Omega, but he ate a Buckshot Lariat from behind from Hangman Page. Omega then went for the V-Trigger but White blocked it. Jay then went for a Switchblade that was reversed but Omega escaped and hit a V-Trigger first to Juice Robinson and then Jay White.

Omega was then unable to capitalise as Konosuke Takeshita used Kenny's momentum and rolled him up for the 1-2-3. Konosuke Takeshita scored the biggest win of his AEW career to date to silence the fans inside Wembley Stadium.

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) def. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) - AEW World Tag Team Championships

One of the headline matches at All In was third on the card as FTR defended the AEW World Tag Team Championships against The Young Bucks with the head-to-head record tied at one win apiece. The Bucks won their first encounter at Full Gear 2020, while FTR scored the win in their second match on a 2022 episode of Dynamite.

With The Young Bucks in white gear and FTR in black, both teams fought back and forth in the opening minutes until a punching exchange floored both teams. They then kicked back up to continue the punches, with The Young Bucks sending FTR to the outside with tandem clotheslines. FTR decided to have a breather but The Young Bucks allowed them no respite following a boot on the apron from Nick Jackson and a Spear from Matt Jackson. Nick Jackson then took out both members of FTR with a dive over the top rope to the floor before the Bucks flattened Cash Wheeler with a pair of Superkicks.

A Senton, while Cash Wheeler was draped in the ropes, followed as The Young Bucks proceeded to work over Cash. The hot tag was eventually made to Dax Harwood and he decked The Bucks with jabs before he Suplexed Nick onto Matt Jackson. A trio of German Suplexes to Matt Jackson from Dax then followed. Matt fired back with his trio of Northern Lights Suplexes and they proceeded to exchange Germans and Northern Lights Suplexes for a fun spot.

Later, Dax Harwood applied the Sharpshooter in honour of Bret Hart before Cash Wheeler intercepted Nick Jackson on the apron and applied a Sharpshooter there. A nasty bump for Cash Wheeler followed after Nick Jackson kicked free and sent the FTR member with legal troubles crashing into the steel steps below. Matt Jackson was freed next following the assistance of Nick.

The Bucks then looked to taunt FTR as they went for the Superplex-Splash combination, only for Harwood to get his knees up and Wheeler to take out the diving Matt Jackson. FTR then connected with the Spike Piledriver and the fans inside Wembley thought that was it, only for Nick Jackson to get his shoulder up. FTR went for Shatter Machine but The Bucks escaped. A roll up from Harwood then failed to score the win and The Bucks capitalised with a Superkick Party before they hit a Spike Piledriver of their own to Harwood for a near fall.

Wheeler blocked a Meltzer Driver but Nick Jackson fired back with a Suicide Dive and Matt scored another near fall. The Bucks then failed to connect on a BTE Trigger and Wheeler levelled Nick Jackson with a huge spear through the middle ropes to the outside. The AEW World Tag Team Champions then hit a BTE Trigger of their own and followed up with a little kiss to Matt Jackson before the Shatter Machine. Excalibur on the call said that FTR were set to retain but Matt Jackson got his shoulder up at 2.9, much to the fans inside Wembley Stadium's disbelief. Dax Harwood then hit a Superkick of all things before history repeated itself as Cash Wheeler missed on a 450 Splash and ate a Superkick from Nick Jackson. This time, though, Wheeler managed to kick out.

The kickout prompted a huge roar from the fans inside Wembley but The Bucks hit a BTE Trigger to Wheeler. Unfortunately, Harwood was slightly slow in breaking up the pin so Nick actually pulled up Wheeler's arm (although we weren't meant to see that). A Shatter Machine to Harwood then followed before a second BTE Trigger to Cash Wheeler. That looked to be it but Wheeler kicked out for "This is awesome chants!"

The Young Bucks then went for the Meltzer Driver but FTR countered while Nick Jackson was in mid-air into a Shatter Machine as FTR scored the victory to cement themselves as the best tag team in the world.

In a show of respect, FTR offered a handshake to The Young Bucks, which was surprisingly rejected by Matt and Nick Jackson, hinting their issues won't be over forever.

Eddie Kingston, Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, and Penta El Zero Miedo/Penta Oscuro def. Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Santana, & Ortiz - Stadium Stampede

Eddie Kingston wasn't hanging around for the next contest as he charged down the ramp and took out Claudio Castagnoli. All six men then brawled all over the stadium and in the ring as chaos reigned supreme. A cool spot saw Trent Beretta go for a Moonsault to the outside, only to be decked by a trash can that Santana was holding. Somehow Jon Moxley ended up bleeding within four minutes, although it was not shown how he was cut. Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli actually ended up brawling to the back.

In the ring, Penta El Zero Miedo blocked a Street Sweeper with steel chair shots before Penta took out Santana & Ortiz. While this was going on, Wheeler Yuta and Castagnoli brawled with Eddie Kingston and Orange Cassidy backstage. Penta remained in control in the ring, only to be taken out with a King Kong Lariat and Death Rider from Moxley. Moxley then removed skewers from his bag of magical things. Penta fired back with a steel chair shot before he stabbed skewers into Moxley's head, much to the horror of the fans who called Penta a sick f*ck. A Made in Japan from Penta followed but Moxley managed to kick out at one.

The broadcast returned to show Eddie Kingston and Claudio Castagnoli brawling in the section of Wembley Stadium where players are presented with the trophy while Santana Powerbombed Penta onto a steel chair in the ring. Penta was injured as doctors checked on the Lucha Brother at ringside and removed him from the match. Orange Cassidy then made his way into the ring and dodged a fork attack from Moxley, only to be stabbed in the back of the head moments later before Moxley stabbed Orange's forehead over and over again for more you sick f*ck chants. Moxley proceeded to be a horrible human being as he decked Cassidy with a Brainbuster on a steel chair before he forced a barbed wire bat into Trent's head.

Up in the royal box, Eddie Kingston forced an umbrella down Wheeler Yuta's throat. They then headed to the bar area where Kingston beat up a security guard (AKA Man Like Dereiss) before The Mad King had a bottle smashed over his head. Trent Beretta was Powerbombed on a ladder by Santana and Ortiz back in the ring as blood began to dry around Trent's eyes. Beretta then suffered more pain, being flipped onto a barbed wire board.

Moxley continued being a maniac, decking Trent with a Piledriver on the steel steps while Ortiz stabbed Orange with a fork. Cassidy won't be using cutlery anytime soon from the looks of it. As BCC remained on top, Sue turned up in a new minivan, only to receive a kiss from Jon Moxley. Sue then flipped off Moxley as Trent and Chuck Taylor smashed BCC over the head with a tray of homemade biscuits.

Penta wasn't injured it turned out as the luchador transformed into Penta Oscuro. After initial issues, Oscuro took out Santana with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb through a pile of tables. Back in the ring, Best Friends and Orange gave the people what they wanted with a hug to Wheeler Yuta, followed by a beat down. The baking trays then returned as Santana and Ortiz decked Best Friends with Sue's trays. A screwdriver from Yuta was next but Taylor avoided it and followed up with an Awful Waffle for a near fall.

Claudio Castagnoli re-entered the fray, hitting a Giant Swing on Orange Cassidy as Chuck Taylor was Suplexed onto a pile of Lego on the outside. Trent then hit a Superplex to Ortiz through a table on the outside while Castagnoli just kept swinging, eventually letting go at 21. Cassidy fired back with three Orange Punches to Claudio but the ROH World Champion managed to kick out.

Orange became a sick f*ck next, putting double-sided sticky tape on his right hand before he shoved it into a bucket of broken glass. Cassidy was blocked from using the weapon, though, before a crimson Eddie Kingston headed to the ring following a long absence, hitting Ortiz and Yuta with a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire before he unloaded on Castagnoli. Moxley stopped Kingston before Eddie hit an Uraken to Castagnoli and Moxley before he Speared Moxley through the barbed wire board. Orange Cassidy then recovered and flattened Claudio with a glass-covered Orange Punch to score the victory.

Following the match, Kingston proceeded to hold up his middle finger to Moxley as the babyfaces celebrated.

Saraya def. Toni Storm, Hikaru Shida (c), & Britt Baker - Four-Way for the AEW Women's World Championship

Major entrances to kick off the next match as Saraya headed to the ring to Queen's 'We Will Rock You' seconded by the Knight family while Toni Storm made her way to the squared circle to the UK's national anthem 'God Save The King', or 'God Save The Queen' I suppose since it's Toni Storm.

Issues quickly arose between Saraya and Toni Storm as The Outcasts' faction mates couldn't agree on who should cover Britt Baker. Hikaru Shida eventually broke up their bickering, only for The Outcasts to immediately regain control as Saraya's mother assisted Toni Storm in beating up Britt Baker at ringside. The Role Model avoided a forearm, though, and Storm levelled Sweet Saraya which caused an angry non-sweet Saraya to ask Toni what the hell she was doing. Storm tried to plead her case but The Outcasts descended into chaos as they brawled inside the squared circle as Sweet Saraya shouted at ringside.

The Outcasts only worsened as Toni Storm removed the turnbuckle pad and looked to go for a huge Hip Attack to Saraya. Ruby Soho ran to the ring to stop Storm, only to eat a forearm to the face for her trouble from Toni. Britt Baker then re-entered the action as she Superkicked Toni Storm, who fell on Saraya for a near fall. Saraya's anger only grew from there following the kick out and she locked in her submission finisher. Baker, however, decked Storm with a Stomp which sent Saraya to the outside. It wasn't enough to score the pin, though, Storm kicked out.

Hikaru Shida re-entered the fray and hit a Meteroa to Saraya, only for Saraya to kick out. Shida then connected with the Katana Kicks for another near fall, with Baker breaking up the pin and looking for the Lockjaw. She couldn't lock it in fully and while that was going on, Saraya entered the ring, sprayed Toni Storm with the green paint and hit the Knight Cap for the 1-2-3 on her own faction mate.

Saraya then celebrated with her whole family in the ring, much to the delight of the fans inside Wembley Stadium.

Sting & Darby Allin def. Swerve Strickland & Christian Cage - Coffin Match

In a move that would have made Cultaholic's Jack Atkins, very happy, two hip-hop artists sang Swerve Strickland's entrance music as he made his way to the ring. Sting, meanwhile, was British Joker Sting and made his way to the ring with Darby Allin to Metallica's 'Seek and Destroy'.

Sting, cricket bat in hand and a thumbtacks-covered jacket, decked his opponents in the early going but the heels fired back with Cage hitting a spear to Darby Allin. Strickland then taped Allin's hands together but that didn't stop Darby as he hit a Tope Suicida to his opponents anyway. Cage then regained control of a now-free Darby and went for a Con-Chair-To that Darby escaped and took out Christian. Sting then went to put Sweve Strickland through a table with a Dive from the apron but we got an I AM THE TABLE moment instead. Sting was undeterred and hit a Flying Elbow to Strickland to break the table.

Meanwhile, Darby Allin caught Christian with a Shotgun Dropkick while he was sat on a chair on the outside. Cage was almost sent to rest in peace but Christian stopped the coffin lid from closing before Luchasaurus came to the rescue, taking out Darby and Sting. Nick Wayne hit Luchasaurus from behind with a skateboard in what proved to be a huge error as Luchasaurus proceeded to Chokeslam the 18-year-old on said skateboard.

Darby and Sting managed to fight back and Allin decided to hurt himself as he crashed and burned on a Coffin Drop on the coffin as Swerve rolled out of the way at the last moment. This left Sting alone as he hit Stinger Splash after Stinger Splash before he applied the Scorpion Deathlock on Christian. Swerve tried to save Christian with a steel chair shot but this just annoyed Sting, who shrugged it off and threw the steel chair into Strickland's head. The distraction allowed Christian to smash Sting in the nether regions with the cricket bat. A Double Foot Stomp from Swerve Strickland followed and Swerve threw Sting into the coffin, which was now in the ring. He buried Sting with the bat, which The Icon used to stop the coffin lid from falling. Sting then rose from the dead like The Undertaker but he received a Slam on top of the coffin for the trouble while Cage choked out Darby on the outside with the TNT Title.

Swerve went for a 450 Splash onto the coffin but he crashed and burned. Darby then clawed at Christian's eyes before hitting him with the TNT Title. The coffin was used as a weapon once again with Sting flattening Swerve with a Scorpion Death Drop on the casket. This time Swerve used his hands to stop the coffin from closing. Sting sat down on the hands and beat Swerve with the coffin until Darby hit a Coffin Drop and pushed Strickland inside to score the victory for the babyfaces!

Will Ospreay def. Chris Jericho

Big fight feel for the next match as Chris Jericho went one-on-one with the UK's own Will Ospreay and the two rivals fought back and forth in the early going before the first major spot of the match as Jericho decked Ospreay with a German Suplex on the apron, with Ospreay landing neck first. Will fired back with a Handspring Corkscrew Kick before a Standing Shooting Star Press for a near fall.

Jericho later went for a Lionsault but Ospreay got his knees up and followed up with a Springboard Shooting Star Press while Jericho was draped across the ropes, much to the delight of Don Callis at ringside. Jericho then managed to connect with a Codebreaker, only for a near fall, though. Hook Kick and Oscutter from Ospreay followed for a near fall of his own. Ospreay went for Stormbreaker but Jericho countered into a Hurricanrana before he applied the Walls of Jericho.

Don Callis distracted the official Aubrey Edwards but this only helped Jericho as Guevara decked Ospreay with a baseball bat shot to the head. Edwards checked Ospreay's arms but the IWGP United Kingdom Champion came around and fought free. Ospreay then hit a Standing Spanish Fly for a near fall. A third Codebreaker followed and Jericho hit a very awkward Oscutter. Ospreay was having none of it, kicking out at one as the match broke down into a forearm exchange.

Ospreay then went for the Stormbreaker again but Jericho escaped and Low Blowed Ospreay while he held onto Aubrey Edwards, preventing her from seeing the illegal move. Jericho then hit the Judas Effect but Ospreay kicked out, becoming one of maybe two in AEW history to kick out of the finishing move.

Jericho went for the Walls of Jericho again but Ospreay escaped into a Jacknife Powerbomb. Ospreay then went for the Judas Effect and connected before the Stormbreaker. No one kicks out of the Stormbreaker but Jericho did. Ospreay only followed up with the Hidden Blade as Jericho told him to hit it, giving him the middle finger. A second Stormbreaker followed as Ospreay scored one of the biggest wins of his career.

Following the match, Sammy Guevara tried to lead the fans in applauding for Jericho but he pushed Sammy away before walking out on his friend as Jericho lamented on another high-profile loss in 2023.

AEW then announced they have officially set the new record for a paid pro wrestling show of 81,035 fans inside Wembley Stadium!

The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn def. House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) (c) - No Holds Barred Match for the AEW World Trios Championships

After some back-and-forth action in the opening minutes, The Acclaimed didn't take too kindly to Julia Hart stopping a Suicide Dive from Billy Gunn so they decked Hart with a Scissor Me Timbers to the "yam bag" as Taz called it. House of Black took control soon after, though, until Brody King whiffed on a Crossbody on the outside to Billy Gunn, crashing straight into the barricade as a result. A chair was then drilled into King's head, taking out the big man for the time being.

Bad Ass then took out both Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black before he missed on a Fameasser. Black failed to capitalise and Bowens hit the Arrival to Black, only for King and Matthews to prevent a Mic Drop attempt from Max Caster. Bowens was levelled by Black with a Sweep before they all connected with shots to Bowens at the same time in the corner. Brody King then wrapped a chain around his hand, having been busted open from the earlier steel chair shot, but Bowens ducked and he decked Malakai Black by mistake. Caster then Clotheslined King to the outside and The Acclaimed combined to hit two Fameassers before the third from Billy Gunn.

That looked to be it but Julia Hart pulled Aubrey Edwards from the ring. Malakai capitalised with The End to Billy Gunn back in the ring. That was enough in their two previous title matches but Billy Gunn kicked out this time. H.O.B then went for Dante's Inferno but Billy escaped and The Acclaimed took out Black and Matthews. The Arrival and Mic Drop to King followed but Brody was the latest talent of the night to kick out at one.

King could only withstand so much, though, and another Fameasser from Billy Gunn before the Arrival from Bowens and Mic Drop from Caster was enough for new AEW World Trios Champions to be crowned.

In a show of respect, The House of Black recognised what had been achieved by their opponents and handed them the AEW World Trios Championships. It was then time for the biggest scissor party on earth as The Acclaimed scissored Daddy Ass.

MJF (c) def. Adam Cole - AEW World Championship

Main event time as the best storyline of the summer came to a head as MJF defended the AEW World Championship against his best friend and Better Than You Bay Bay tag team partner MJF and Adam Cole.

Before they locked up, Adam Cole and MJF put on their Better Than You Bay Bay t-shirts, signalling they will have a clean match where the better man is determined. Chain wrestling started out the encounter with the two talents coming out as equals. MJF and Cole then shook hands before MJF did the Ric Flair strut after briefly gaining the upper hand. Adam Cole then got the better of the next exchange, leaving to an ADAM COLE BAY BAY.

MJF then led the fans in a "Sportsmanship" chant before he poked Cole in the eyes. Cole didn't take kindly to that and he slapped MJF before taking him down with a Pump Kick and Enziguiri before an AA into a knee. Cole then got in Bryce Remsburg's face before he blocked an MJF attack with Remsburg, setting himself up as the heel for the match. Cole then pulled MJF by the trunks into the turnbuckle, taking control of the contest by pulling MJF's hair to send him crashing to the mat.

MJF returned the favour by pulling Cole's hair and Friedman looked to follow up with a Suicide Dive but he decided against it. Cole capitalised with a Superkick with a near fall. He then had a go at Remsburg again before he taunted MJF and ripped off Friedman's Better Than You Bay Bay t-shirt. Things for the tag team partners only worsened from there as he tuned up the band, only for MJF to block the Sweet Chin Music attempt and fight back, biting Cole's head after nine punches to the face in the corner.

MJF this time hit the Suicide Dive, much to his own shock. Back in the ring, they exchanged pinning combinations before Cole ate a Powerbomb to the knee. MJF looked to follow up with a Panama Sunrise but he went straight into a Superkick from Cole. The three-time ROH World Champion then took inspiration from his opponent with a Heasteeker to MJF. Cole thought he had the match in the bag but MJF got his foot to the bottom rope.

Cole then looked to put MJF down, hitting Friedman with a Sheer-Drop Brainbuster on the steel steps right in front of MJF's parents. Cole immediately looked concerned about his friend and MJF managed to get in at the count of nine as Cole looked conflicted. Cole went for the Panama Sunrise but MJF just fell to the outside. Friedman, with a bleeding shoulder, managed to fight back by pulling Cole's leg, sending his face smashing into the apron.

MJF then told himself that he had to do it and he went to Tombstone Adam Cole through the announce table, but he couldn't bring himself to complete the move. This wasn't a concern for Adam Cole, who proceeded to Tombstone MJF on the steel support of the announce table. As "asshole" chants filled the stadium, Cole looked to pin MJF but the AEW World Champion kicked out at two.

Both men continued to brawl back and forth and they were both on the mat following a Canadian Destroyer from Cole, with MJF hitting a Superkick while he was on his way down after the move.They then called for the Double Clothesline and took each other out, covering each other while unconscious as the referee counted a double pin and ruled the result a draw.

Calling back to their AEW World Title Eliminator match, Adam Cole challenged MJF to go five more minutes. Friedman said no, declaring they were going to go until they had a winner at Wembley. Friedman handed the belt back to Justin Roberts and Cole rolled up his tag team partner. They exchanged pinning attempts while pulling on the tights for near falls. Bryce Remsburg was then taken down which prompted MJF to grab a steel chair. Both men channelled their inner Eddie Guerrero as they passed the chair between each other until Cole lay down. MJF then outsmarted Cole and lay down with the chair around his neck.

As Rembsurg recovered, Cole pleaded his case and MJF took advantage with a Superkick and a Heatseeker but Cole managed to kick out at two. As the action went to the apron, Cole decked MJF with a Straightjacket German Suplex before he hit a Panama Sunrise from the apron to the floor. Cole struggled to get MJF in the ring but managed eventually. The time allowed Friedman to kick out, though, much to the disbelief of Cole.

The challenger looked to follow up with a second Panama Sunrise, this time in the ring but Friedman pulled the referee in the way and Cole levelled Bryce Remsburg with his finishing move. MJF then retrieved the Dynamite diamond ring from his trunks but he couldn't use it on his tag team partner at the crowd's urging.

After that, Roderick Strong appeared from behind and Low Blowed MJF. Roddy then urged Cole to take advantage, which the challenger did with a Panama Sunrise and the Boom. Bryce Remsburg began to recover and he counted the slowest pinfall of all time, allowing MJF to kick out and send Wembley Stadium into raptures.

Roderick Strong then threw the AEW World Title belt to Adam Cole and told him to use it. Cole now took off his Better Than You Bay Bay shirt and set up to level the champion with the belt. Cole couldn't do it, though, and sent Roderick Strong to the back. All of this time allowed MJF to recover and counter into an Inside Cradle for the 1-2-3. Adam Cole did the noble thing and paid for it as MJF was the better man in the main event of All In.

Cole broke down in tears after the match as MJF tried to tell his friend the match could have gone either way, saying he got lucky. There was loud applause from the fans inside Wembley until MJF collected the ROH World Tag Team Title belts and told his friend they still had the titles. Cole only threw the belts out of the ring.

MJF broke down into his own tears and shouted at Cole that it clearly was never about their friendship and it was about the AEW World Title for him. Calling back to their loss to FTR, MJF stood with his back turned and told Cole to hit him with the AEW World Title if he was going to. Roderick Strong even urged Cole to do it but Adam couldn't bring himself to deck his best friend, instead throwing down the title and embracing MJF.

Confetti then rained down on the ring as MJF and Adam Cole celebrated together to end All In.

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Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.comTwitter: @theaidangibbons

Grado shows up to the delight of Tom CampbellBetter Than You Bay Bay (MJF & Adam Cole) def. Aussie Open (Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher) (c) - ROH World Tag Team Championships - Zero HourHOOK def. Jack Perry (c) - FTW Championship - Zero HourCM Punk (c) def. Samoa Joe - Real AEW World ChampionshipKonosuke Takeshita, Jay White, and Juice Robinson def. Kenny Omega, Hangman Page, & Kota IbushiFTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) def. The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) - AEW World Tag Team Championships Eddie Kingston, Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, and Penta El Zero Miedo/Penta Oscuro def. Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, Santana, & Ortiz - Stadium Stampede Saraya def. Toni Storm, Hikaru Shida (c), & Britt Baker - Four-Way for the AEW Women's World Championship Sting & Darby Allin def. Swerve Strickland & Christian Cage - Coffin MatchWill Ospreay def. Chris JerichoThe Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) & "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn def. House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) (c) - No Holds Barred Match for the AEW World Trios ChampionshipsMJF (c) def. Adam Cole - AEW World Championship